Passivhaus Interview: Architect Matt Bonney

Above: Key Passivhaus benefits for residents

gcp Chartered Architects have recently supported two members of the team to attend the AECB Passivaus Designer Course and further develop their skills. Here, Matt Bonney talks about his route to sustainable design.

Energy efficiency in homes has always been a key part of my architectural education. My interest was sparked in 2010 at the University of Strathclyde where an environmental studies class taught me how to calculate building u-values from first principals. This information could then be used to help calculate heating/cooling loads and work out the building’s annual energy demand. I have always had a fascination with numbers so the ability to calculate the efficiency of a building was very interesting to me.

Starting my Part 1 Placement year in 2013 I wanted to expand this new knowledge as much as possible. The practice I worked for focused on bespoke housing in the Yorkshire Dales, so I signed up for the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) assessor course at BRE which allowed me to assess houses against the CSH criteria and make my designs as sustainable as possible. At this time, the CSH guidance was being adopted by some planning authorities which made the knowledge very useful. However, as the guidance was merged with the updated building regulations the CSH became less influential.

It was during my CSH training that I first became aware of Passivhaus as a design standard. Returning to university in 2014 I focused on designing energy efficient buildings, with a specific focus on passive sustainable solutions for high density mixed-use buildings. My intention was always to ground myself in the fundamentals of sustainable design so I could pursue Passivhaus designer accreditation on my return to practice.

When I joined gcp in 2018 I was impressed by their history of sustainable design which continues today through gcp Consulting. I hope that by attending the AECB Passivhaus Designer course I will improve my knowledge of sustainable design and develop the skill set needed to create fantastic Passivhaus buildings such as the ones designed by Colin Powell, gcp’s Passivhaus Designer.

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If you or your company are looking to build a Passivhaus project, get in touch by emailing or phoning our office on 0117 967 6286

Click here to for more information on Passivhaus projects completed by gcp.

Community-led Housing: Creating a group and getting community support

We are really pleased to have supported Southmead Development Trust in the early stages of their first Glencoyne Square community led housing project as featured in this excellent video. We are also pleased to be investigating a second scheme on their Greenway Community Centre site with support from the Homes England Community Housing Fund.

We are now Employee Owned

2020 has already seen big changes for gcp as we continue to develop the way we manage our business and our in-house talent.  We have always been a forward-looking employer, keen to support the development of the next generation of architects and technologists.  

At the beginning of March, Jeremy Pilling and Jonathan Platt were joined on the board of directors by two of our senior architects, Jon Briscoe and Tom Mellor.  Jon and Tom bring a wealth of experience and will be a central part of building our business into the future.

At the beginning of September the business became employee owned with the majority of the shareholding transferring to an Employee Ownership Trust held for the benefit of all our staff.

To coincide with this Colin Powell has become a consultant to the business.  He will focus on his long-standing passion for the design and construction of low energy and PassivHaus buildings.  This will become the focus for his new role as ‘energy architect’ within the practice. 

Jeremy Pilling

Managing Director

gcp Chartered Architects

Click here to meet the whole team

Esther on #worklifeweek and #mentalhealth

In the midst of a pandemic, where the line between home and work life is blurred, it is important now more than ever to talk about our mental health and wellbeing.   

It wasn’t too long ago when there was a stigma to these words. Some progress has been made as our understanding of the issues and our ability to talk openly about it improves, but there is still more to do! This is why it is vital to use weeks such as national #worklifeweek to discuss ways to make our work-life-balance better. Yes, emphasis is on the employer, but there are also many ways in which we can help each other on a personal level. 

Mental health and wellbeing means a lot to me and with the support of gcp and a few colleagues, we are running a series of activities to mark this week.  

Each day we will be having a short brain teaser, whether that be a spot the difference, anagrams or a riddle, all based around the work we do. We will be having a few games throughout the week finishing with a virtual pub quiz on Friday where I will be quizmaster for a round (I’m never very good at actually answering the questions)! Finally, we have set a 1,000,000 step challenge running Friday – Friday, to encourage everyone in the office to take a break, get fresh air, and stay active.  

However, it doesn’t end there! Although these activities are fun and help break up the day, a huge part of mental health and wellbeing is communication. We still communicate and see each other’s faces in meetings, but how much do we actually chat and check in with how each other are doing? For this reason, we will be holding 2 virtual coffee breaks over Teams. This is a chance to catch up on university studies, house moves, or even who will be the next star baker! An opportunity for you to invite your child or pet into the meeting (not that they normally wait for an invitation).  

I work for a company who cares about my mental health. I know so many who are expected to work over and above their hours whereas I am encouraged to stick to my hours, although there are times where this isn’t possible. I work for a company where we are encouraged to take a break and chat to our colleagues and check in with each other. I work for a company where wellbeing is at the core of their values. I work for a company that makes me happy because I know they listen, and I know they care.  

Can you say the same? Is it time to talk?  


Here are some pictures taken during activity breaks this week.

Welcome Matt Andrews!

Matt joined gcp during the summer. Here is a little more about Matt, in his own words: 

My early interests in architecture where simple. How did they build that, and what does it all mean?

In my quest to figure it all out I have worked as a builder’s labourer, completed a BTEC in Architecture, Surveying, and the Built Environment, and graduated from the University of the West of England with a dual BA (Hons) degree in Architecture and Planning. 

Since then I have worked in some diverse architecture practices of varying scales. Mainly in the student accommodation, mixed use, and residential sectors with an involvement in all things BIM.  

My current architectural interests vary quite a bit! I love repurposed spaces, things out of the ordinary, elegantly simple design, both high tech and traditional construction, and high quality sustainable design that will stand the test of time.  

I am currently working on Oakfield’s at GCP. A not-for-profit, high quality, sustainable housing community in Swindon. It’s really been refreshing working on a project with such variety, and one that is going to make a positive impact on people’s lives. 

I am a proud father to an 8 month old. In true dad fashion I spend my spare time fixing things and trying to elevate my building skills past DIY status. My other interests include reading fiction from the likes of Phillip Pullman to Phillip K Dick, along with cooking (mainly spicy world foods).

Welcome Stacey Hahn!

Stacey joined gcp during the summer. Here is a little more about Stacey, in her own words: 

Hi, my name is Stacey, I am an award winning architect who has gained considerable experience in practices in both Australia and the UK with expertise in the education, extra care, commercial and residential sectors. This experience has enabled me to have a well-rounded approach of the various techniques and processes required in the design and construction process.

Currently at gcp I am working on Northwick Farm a 72 unit affordable housing development in Northampton. The project is programmed to start on site at the beginning of next year.

Paired with practice, I also lecture at The University of the West of England mentoring architectural undergraduate and postgraduate students. Alongside this I also sit on the RIBA practitioner validation panel, which assesses the quality of architectural education both here in the UK and across the world. My most recent visit was to Chile, South America where I had to work with an foreign school demonstrating my ability to convey my professional analysis in an international setting.

This is something that I am extremely passionate about, having the opportunity to be part of the architectural education process which aids in scoping future architects, is key to our profession’s success.

Renewable Energy for the Bristol Heat Network

Castle Park Energy Centre proposal

Castle Park Energy Centre proposal

Planning has been submitted by Bristol City Council’s Energy Service for the construction of a new Water Source Heat Pump energy centre on the edge of Castle Park. gcp have worked with the client and the design team to deliver this exciting scheme which will generate renewable energy for the Bristol Heat Network. Consisting of an abstraction platform on the wall of the Floating Harbour, a heat pump building and a thermal store, the proposed water source heat pump will form a key part of the council’s ambition for Bristol to be a carbon neutral city by 2030.

Fab to be involved in this fascinating project for the city on such a prominent site on the edge of Castle Park and the floating harbour.
— Jonathon Platt, Director, gcp Chartered Architects

Trinity Digs - planning consent secured for providing additional accommodation for desk spaces and kitchen/coffee bar with outdoor seating.

The Trinity Centre occupies the Holy Trinity St Phillip’s, a Grade II* Listed parliamentary church. Originally built in 1832, the church was declared redundant in 1976 and was appropriated for community use in 1977.  Continuing the tradition of a community hub and music venue, the centre today also provides recording and broadcast studios, training around media arts and technology. It also holds a licence to perform civil ceremonies! The centre is run by Trinity Community Arts TCA.

TCA’s mission, which has never been more important than in these really difficult times, is to: “use the Trinity Centre to engage the local community of all ages in imaginative and socially inclusive projects.”

Working on behalf of Trinity Community Arts, gcp secured planning consent to carry out capital improvements so the site can host and support even more community activity. The proposals, developed and approved following several months of consultations with key stakeholders will see customised timber clad containers installed on site, to provide affordable, low-cost, sustainable hot-desk space as a base for community partners, emerging artists and local start-ups. The Digs project has minimal impact on the historic setting of the listed building and aims to release space in the exiting building for additional programme related activities, therefore has the real potential to consolidate the long-term financial resilience of the centre.

Given the Grade II* Listed status of the site planning was complex and demanded working closely with the planning and listed building officers who were keen to minimise the impact of any development on the historic setting. Therefore, the elevations of the listed building have been studied and analysed, leading to the creation of a vertical and horizontal ‘grid’ that informs the timber cladding for the new building.

gcp team is passionate about supporting community groups and voluntary sector organisations, and for over 20 years has helped organisations like TCA make the best used of their assets.

Leyton achieves completion - a personal account from Lead Architect, Matt Bonney.

Building work has recently completed on Phase 2 and 3 of the Urban Cricket Centre in Leyton. gcp Chartered Architects have again worked alongside the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Waltham Forest Council to create this multi-purpose facility for the community of Leyton, complimenting Phase 1 of the scheme that completed during the Cricket World Cup in 2019. 


The remodelling of these existing buildings reflects the priorities of the ECB's South Asian Communities Action Plan which look to 'focus on youth participation and provide a haven of cricket in the local community'. As well as supporting an international standard indoor cricket facility, the Urban Cricket Centre provides ‘wider societal benefits by providing an accessible space for a range of partners to run community projects'. 

Working with existing buildings provides a series of great challenges/opportunities to fuse a new programme with an existing structure. Constraints often lead to interesting design opportunities which may otherwise not be explored with a new build. Leyton Urban Cricket Centre was no different in this respect and the initial constraints became my favourite aspects of the finished building. 

One key challenge with this design was linking the two existing buildings in a way which extended and improved the circulation routes without overcomplicating the wayfinding. This was achieved by moving the reception closer to the main entrance and increasing the central circulation space, providing a more welcoming entrance with uninterrupted views to the new sports hall link. Expanding the heart of the building created a space for informal interaction which is important for any community building.

Another opportunity presented by the unique layout was for connections between the sports hall and neighbouring classroom. Breaking through the intermediary wall allowed for the classroom to be transformed into a club room with excellent views to both the indoor cricket facility and outdoor pitch. 

My favourite part of this project was seeing Phase 1 up and running whilst working on Phase 2 and 3. It was incredibly rewarding to see the community engaging with the cricket centre as intended. Leyton Urban Cricket Centre is currently operating at a greatly reduced capacity due to the pandemic, however, I hope we have created a facility which will help the community come together and grow once the restrictions are lifted. 


Meet the Team: Tom M

We’ve mentioned before how incredibly proud we are that over half of our team have been at the company ten years or more; today we are celebrating the nine year anniversary of Tom Mellor, who has recently been promoted to the Board of Directors at gcp.

There are so many benefits to having skills and relationships built over a period of time – we think that our staff retention makes this office a welcoming place for our new starters and apprentices, many of whom go on to join the ranks. Read Tom Hubbard’s interview where he talks about making teas in the office back in 2006 and then joining us as an architectural technician in 2019!

Today’s interviewee Tom Mellor is an experienced architect who has worked and lived in Bristol since 2006. He worked for five years with Childs & Sulzmann Architects gaining a broad range of experience in a number of sectors including hotels & leisure, education, community centres and residential.

Tom joined gcp Chartered Architects in 2011 and has worked as a project architect on a number of schemes continuing to gain a broad experience in all aspects of the profession.

Tom has a particular interest in renovation and working in complex constrained sites where innovative creative solutions are required.

Tom has worked on many projects with a particular focus on those that involve refurbishing and extending existing buildings, sometimes with a heritage or listed status. Most recently this has included the extension and refurbishment of the Bristol Water Headquarters bringing new life to this iconic 1960s office building.

Tom has recently completed work on a project to refurbish and extend an office in central London. The project doubled the size of the building only accessible via a pedestrian archway, by addition of rear and two-storey roof extension. Tom has extensive experience of complex projects such as this which require extensive coordination with all consultants and contractor to find the best construction methodology, and excellent technical skills.

Tom has completed training to deliver Principal Designer services to meet the requirements of CDM 2015 Health and Safety Regulations.


Wow Tom, well I think your experience about speaks for itself. Let’s give our followers the chance to get to know you a bit better with a few quick-fire questions.

We’ll start with the easy one: what inspired you to pursue architecture?

Travelling in Africa and being fascinated by how the different ways people design their homes affects the way that they live. The decision was made while sitting by the banks of the River Niger for several weeks waiting for our broken-down Land Rover to be fixed, wondering what we would do when we eventually got home.

Sounds like the plot to a film. So, if you weren’t an architect, what would you be?

Better paid but bored.

Funnily enough, not the first person to say that! Tell us, what’s a favourite project that you’ve worked on to date?

Elizabeth House, working closely with a really good project team to resolve many complex issues to deliver this project in central London to refurbish and extend an office building accessed through a small pedestrian archway. An interesting project with lots of learning involved on subjects including party walls, rights of light, unexploded bomb risk and detailed construction methodology. I won’t miss the 5am starts to early site meetings, however.

tom mellor director

And what’s been your best moment at gcp in the last year?

Being asked to become a director.

Tom, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Surfing with my two boys, early morning escapism in the lanes around Bristol on my bike.

What’s your proudest personal achievement?

My family. Crossing the Sahara with a leaking fuel tank patched up with a bar of soap (possibly my most stupid moment too!)

One final question – any followers will know this is my favourite thing to ask! – Tell us something we might not know about you?

I can juggle and make chocolate cakes (not at the same time).

Well chocolate cake is on you then, once we are back in the office together! The juggling you can prove on Teams. Thanks for your time today Tom, really enjoyed it.


It really is a pleasure to celebrate our staff anniversaries and achievements, today was a particularly fun one.

We have an exciting announcement to make in September, where we will celebrate gcp becoming another year older so keep an eye on our blog for more interviews, images and reminiscing through our birthday month.

Meet the Team: Tom H

Tom Hubbard joined gcp last summer as an architectural technologist experienced in housing, leisure, education, care, refurbishment, and healthcare projects for a range of clients including local authorities, housing and commercial developers.

For over 10 years Tom has been driven by an interest in how buildings are put together and delivering the best technical solutions to provide a high quality outcome for his clients.

Tom has worked for several architecture practices, as well as pursuing other interests which led him to live and work in China teaching English for a year and a half.

Tom has experience working from design conception and planning all the way through to completion and enjoys each stage for its own challenges and processes. He has had experience in a range of architectural practices throughout his career and is comfortable working from small extensions all the way through to large commercial projects.

Since joining gcp, Tom has been involved in producing design and technical information for a community hub in Bristol and has joined teams working on large residential schemes.


Hi Tom. As it’s your 1-year anniversary at gcp, here are a few questions so we can get to know you a little better. You have an interesting history with gcp, could you tell us a little about that and how it has evolved over the years?

Tom Hubbard

My first ever job in architecture was with gcp, which I started in my first year of Uni back in 2006. I worked one and a half days a week and holidays and it is probably the reason I am still in architecture to this day (curse you all).

Jeremy very kindly offered me this as I mentioned my strong tea making abilities which I am still known for now. (Been a very sad time only making tea for myself every 2 minutes during lockdown).

Jumping forwards 13 years and here I am back at gcp.

Firstly, I was surprised to see just how many faces I still recognised which I think is testament to what a great company gcp are to work for and have been for a long time. With that being said there are good amount of new, young and very talented architects here now and I feel gcp has a very strong team with a fantastic range of experience which I have already learnt so much from.

Personally, when I first started with gcp all those years ago I wasn’t much more than a glorified paper folder and teas maid. I now have the experience and knowledge to hopefully be a worthy member of the team and strive for the excellence expected of me from gcp.

So far, my favourite project I have worked on was a doctors surgery and community hub. Unfortunately, this project didn’t come to fruition but I hope more like this come up in the future.

gcp’s residential sector work and experience is also fantastic and I love being part of building future family homes knowing my work really contributes so positively to our society.

Quite a trip down memory lane! I was brand new back then but am one of those old faces now! So, what’s been the best moment at gcp for you in the last year?

Winning bronze with my team at Go-karting.

And what are you looking forward to in the next one?

I want to become chartered with CIAT this year. The lockdown has taken the wind out of my sails but I hope to achieve this by the end of summer.

Let’s hope the pandemic doesn’t put you behind on that achievement. It’s been a wild and busy few months.

What do you like to do in your spare time, Tom?

Painting, hiking, wild camping, and Kayaking.

And one last thing – always amazes me – tell us something we might not know about you?

I can speak a little German and Madarin.

And there you have it folks! Thanks for your time Tom, hopefully it won’t be too long until you’re making me tea again.


Keep an eye on our blog for more staff interviews over the coming weeks, the summer is a popular time to join our team!

If you’ve been following us for a while you might also remember that September is the company’s own birthday. We have some exciting news to announce during our own anniversary month …

Meet the Team: Owen

Owen Faunt joined gcp last year as an Architectural Apprentice. He calls himself a “thirty-something photography graduate and a father of two young children” and had previously made a career for himself as a Commercial Insurance Underwriter. 

A creative at heart, this part-time photographer and lover of sustainable design embarked on a career change and set about pursuing an Architectural Apprenticeship Degree with London South Bank University. Owen attends Uni 1 day a week and spends 4 days in the practice.  

This was an exciting prospect for both Owen and gcp; we are incredibly supportive of opportunities to accommodate personal and professional growth. 

To celebrate Owen’s 1-year anniversary, we asked him a few questions. 

From Owen’s Portfolio

Hi Owen. So, what’s your role in gcp?

I’m an Architectural Assistant (Apprentice). I’m told I also make good drinks

I can’t believe it’s been a year! 

Nor can I! Tell us, what has been your best moment at gcp in the last year?  

Handing in my first-year coursework pieces. Managing university alongside full time work and two young children (now 2 & 3 years old), has been incredibly challenging. I’m extremely lucky to have an extremely supportive family.  

And what are you looking forward to in the next year? Personally, or professionally. 

Personally: Getting out on the bike, perhaps getting away on holiday with the family.  

Professionally: Hopefully getting a good result back from Uni but more importantly making myself more useful to the team over the course of the next year.  

You mention your bike and your family, tell us a little about what you like to do in your spare time.  

Obviously, my family are my main interest and occupy the majority of my time. I also like cycling, (particularly mountain biking). I’m a keen photographer, (having previously studied the subject for my first degree). I hike (sometimes) and I love anything food and drink related.  

So, what’s your proudest personal achievement? 

Honestly, I’m still amazed that I’ve managed to change my career to pursue architecture in my mid-thirties. I couldn’t have done this without my wonderful wife Lisa pushing me and making me believe in myself but after a year with gcp, I’m now able to look back on the sequence of events that led to this point with huge pride. I’m under no illusion that there’s still a long way to go on this journey but I now feel like I’ve got the momentum required to carry me through to qualification.  

I personally find it incredibly brave and inspirational. You have such enthusiasm and determination to do a good job – it was the right move. Could you tell us something we might not know about you? 

I spent my formative years playing ice hockey (predominantly as a netminder) and was even (very briefly) selected as part of the British Universities National Team. If they ever finish building the new Bristol rink, I’ll no doubt be back on the ice at the first opportunity.  

Wow. Very cool. That’s always my favourite question to ask! 

One more: if you didn’t work at gcp what would your dream job have been?  

I joined gcp at the age of 36 having spent a good deal of my working life in general insurance. I’d yearned to do something more creative for a living for a long time and as I mentioned before, it was Lisa that really gave me the encouragement and belief that I could make this career a reality. Therefore, I’ve found myself in a very privileged position, doing a job that I really enjoy as well as being paid to study. I believe that as we age we inherently tend to become more insular and an unexpected side effect of my career change has been that I’m expanding my mind in ways I never really thought could.  

Of course, I would also really have liked to have been an F1 driver, pro mountain biker or NHL hockey star, who wouldn’t? 

Um, not sure I’m with you on that one. All that driving round in circles makes me dizzy! Thanks for your time today Owen. Good luck in your studies – we will catch up with your progress on the blog over the coming months. 


Keep an eye on our blog for more staff interviews over the coming weeks, the summer is a popular time to join our team!

If you’ve been following us for a while you might also remember that September is the company’s own birthday. We have some exciting news to announce during our own anniversary month …

Jon WFH: What have I learnt from the experience?

The view into Jon’s Garden

The view into Jon’s Garden

As lockdown eases and gcp makes a part time return to the office, in small socially distancing work bubbles, what have I learnt from the experience?

First of all, it has reaffirmed that I need separation between my working and non-working life. The ability to work from home has led to the collapse of my work / home boundaries. What might have started out as working from home very quickly transformed into a feeling of living at work. It has only been the lack of phone calls and meetings that has distinguished the weekends from the working week. If working from home is to be a long-term part of my future, then I need to find a better work / life balance.

Secondly, working at home has been isolating at times. Bouncing ideas off people or sharing a problem is something that happens spontaneously in the office. When you need to arrange a meeting or make a phone call in order to speak to colleagues, it is often easier not to. Running jobs and coordinating projects with colleagues has proved my biggest challenge during lock down. The phrase ‘herding cats’ comes to mind. I had not appreciated just how important the casual catch up in the office was. Not only does this allow progress to be checked easily, but it facilities a more productive dialogue between colleagues.

There are however some positives that I can take from the experience. The only part of my work / life balance that I have got right is lunchtime. Gone is my office routine of sandwiches at my desk. There is nothing I have enjoyed more during these last three months than eating my lunch in the garden, and the glorious weather of early lockdown certainly helped. And my colleagues might be surprised to hear that it has not always been a cheese sandwich!

There are also benefits to holding meetings via video conferencing. There are times going forward when being in the same room will be beneficial, but too many times in the past I have driven for an hour to a meeting that has barely lasted half an hour, and probably wasn’t necessary anyway. Lockdown has shown us that these meetings can take place as a video conference, which not only means that the workday is more productive, but reduced travel benefits the environment. Speaking of the environment, I’ve managed to get by at home without printing as many drawings or e-mails as I deemed necessary in the office. Maybe fewer trees will be sacrificed in the name of my job.

Owen WFH: a double edged sword

Working from home has, for me, been a double edged sword. I’m writing this with Fontaines D.C.’s “Liberty Belle” blaring in the background. What a treat! I definitely couldn’t do this in the office. That said, it’s on because I need a way to drown out the exuberant screams of my 2 and 3 year old children. At least they haven’t needed schooling over the past months.

In practical terms we’ve set up in our front room (now office), dividing the room in half by pushing the sofa 2 metres closer to the TV. This it seems, is also a better distance for viewing films of an evening. I’ve knocked up a desk out of plywood, collected my computer and chair from the office and even managed to pinch an extra chair for Lisa (my wife). The new office hierarchy is clear, I make the coffee, breakfast and lunch, draw things and generally write blog posts, Lisa does the real work.

While we are fortunate to have the space and internet connection to allow us to adapt to full time working from home pretty seamlessly, it does raise the question of how working patterns are likely to change and with that, how the design of homes and workspaces may change too. Should designers and architects be considering dedicated workspaces in all new homes? How can this be achieved given the fine margins involved? Should spaces be more multifunctional? Do people really need “spare” bedrooms?! Largely, the post war generation in Britain has long been spoiled with luxury and quality of life never before possible. Has Covid-19 rolled this back a little? Or a lot?

During lockdown I noted with amazement the wide reporting of how the natural world was flourishing as a result of a reduction in our (human) activity; I sincerely hope that this was not a temporary state of affairs. I’m confident that Covid-19 has been an “eye-opener” for many but I worry deeply that we are too quick to return to our old habits. As the saying goes, “time is a great healer”. But, time can also allow us to forget important facts and ultimately breed ignorance. Living and working in Bristol, I was among the first people to see the toppling of Edward Colston’s statue on social media, as the Black Lives Matter movement gathered pace, support and attention across the globe, in the wake of a pandemic. This is something that I find even more extraordinary than Covid-19 and that it is happening alongside the pandemic is remarkable but perhaps not unsurprising.

Perhaps we are living in extraordinary times, perhaps we’re just more aware as a species of the times we’re living in? Either way, I would implore people to remember Covid-19, support BLM (peacefully) and try to focus on the long term future of our planet.   


Natalie WFH: being a mum, an employee & the Tooth Fairy

My 6-year-old brings me a present during a Board Meeting. Grinning broadly, he holds up the tiny thing, close enough for it to come into view on the screen. “It finally came out!” He whispers, so proud, and I realise that the tiny, bloody specimen is in fact his tooth.


It breaks the mood of the meeting and for a few moments my colleagues and I discuss if the Tooth Fairy is in fact a key-worker and the inflation rates of teeth since the 80’s.


I’m lucky, my colleagues are supportive of this strange new working environment I’m battling, and we quickly get back to discussing strategy for a return-to-office plan.


When I sign off from teams, my house resembles a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Every toy box has been upended. Rice Crispies have been crushed into the carpet, the milk is under the bed.


This Brave New World for me is one of getting up before my children to work, spending twice the amount of time after a conference call wiping up spills and putting away toys and then back on to the computer late into the night.


The upside is that without emails, phone calls, a meeting-packed-diary and interruptions I’m churning out work in half the normal time. Perhaps that has something to do with the amount of coffee I’m drinking, or maybe this working from home thing is actually pretty good at focusing the mind.


I’m not going to emerge from this lockdown as a fitter, healthier, more zen version of myself. My house has never looked worse. The banana bread and wine consumption is off the charts.


But I have found creativity amongst the madness and joy in the break of routine. I have been able to fully immerse myself in one piece of work for long periods of time - as a chronic multi-taker this has shone new light on what happens when you go deep into a task.


I can hop onto the computer as an idea comes to mind and quickly whip up a blog story and make notes on a campaign idea. My colleagues feel relaxed enough to WhatsApp me ideas over the weekend, we informally chat through sparks of inspiration as soon as they arise.


Previously I had thought that blurring the lines like this would impact my mental health, but without structured hours sat at a desk, I welcome these pops of work to punctuate my day and balance all the #makingmemories I’m supposed to be doing with the children.


I do miss the small, genuine, everyday connections with my colleagues that you can’t get through a screen. And a house that doesn’t resemble a bomb site. But I have found so much hope during my time at home, not least for the future of the office.


I hope that this pandemic has shown us a way to make working from home more accessible - to the new mothers, carers, parents. The early risers (and night owls), to the people who can’t physically or mentally sit at desks for 8 hours a day.


I hope that the option to work remotely becomes the new normal, not the exception to the rule. That we’ve learned flexibility isn’t something to be tagged on at the end of an employee handbook. That we can finally leap towards true work-life-balance. That there is productivity in chaos and hope in even the most challenging of circumstances.

Meet the Team: Natalie

Hi - Natalie here! This year marks my 13th year at gcp so to celebrate (!) I was asked to turn the Dictaphone on myself and answer a few of the questions I’ve given to my colleagues over the last year.

What is your role in gcp?

I provide administrative support to the Directors, team and the office. My job title is Practice Manager, which tries to encapsulate what I would term as “high level” administrative support such as running our Quality and Environmental Management System, writing and implementing our marketing strategy and managing our current to future pipeline. 

To provide administrative support in any small team is a funny business. There is always a steady flow of procedural work and reporting that is easy and repetitive, but most days I find myself with “special projects” which offer different challenges. This means the work is also often varied and interesting. No two weeks are the same; the tasks use a variety of skills, many of which don’t appear in my CV!

Admin always feels like too bland a description for what I consider to be a fast-paced, forward-thinking, multi-skilled, under-valued section of office work. Not everyone has what it takes to successfully do this job with ease and good humour, though in isolation the skills can seem quite easy.

Someone once said to me that you only notice admin staff when you have bad ones. That’s stuck with me over the years.

I value high-quality support staff and consider myself extremely lucky to work alongside Maria at gcp

How have you seen gcp change in the years you have been here?

I joined gcp back in 2007 as Office Manager & Admin Assistant and the memories I have of those days are of time spent on the print room floor folding piles of drawings for a planning submission. And of blurry old fax machine receipts. Drawing tanks. Ring bound presentation folders. A QA system with about twenty lever arch files of paperwork.

To say technology has moved on in that time is probably an understatement but the rise of social media in particular has given me a whole new set of skills for our marketing strategy.

The other thing I’ve seen a change in globally is flexible working and the work life balance. There has been quite a buzz in the media lately with regards to inventive working strategies – Microsoft’s month-long trial of a four-day week back in August 2019 found that their employees were “happier” and “significantly more productive” during the Work-Life Choice Challenge.

I think gcp has always been ahead of the curve with this offering alternative working arrangements and supporting family commitments but nowadays we see more members of staff actually using 4 day weeks, 9 day fortnights, earlier start and finish times etc.

I’m quite lucky in that I often get to be at the front of championing new initiatives.

This interview was drafted before Lockdown 2020, but I’m interested to see how this shapes the new office environment going forward!

Best moment at gcp in the last year?

For me, it has been the opportunity to mentor and support other members of the team through marketing subgroups which we created about a year ago. It’s been really inspiring to watch different members of the team take responsibility for parts of our marketing strategy and succeed brilliantly.

I also had a particularly fun December 2019. I devised and ran a festive schedule in the office for the second year in a row – including games, quizzes and hot chocolate – though I had a bit of a moan about the headspace it took up, it did liven up the office and made me feel very Christmassy.

This was topped off with a very entertaining afternoon out for our Christmas party. The team we currently have is incredibly diverse and genuinely a really nice bunch of people to hang out with.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to write and to read. I aspire to be arty though I am often more interested in the planning and daydreaming than the execution. Daydreaming is my meditation. I’m obsessed with Pinterest.

I have more hobbies than anyone I know, and I am always learning something new and forgetting it in favour of something else. 

I enjoy knitting, kneading bread, listening to music, laughing at my husband, cups of tea, cuddles with my kids, gin, autumn walks, frosty mornings, being near the water, meditation, picnics, sushi and going to farmers markets.

What is your proudest personal achievement?

Getting two poems published in the same edition of my university magazine. The head of the English department was a published writer, eloquent speaker and crazy, post-apocalyptic theorist. Its validating as a writer when someone who’s own work you regard as interesting, feels the same way about yours.

I was incredibly proud to be chosen back then because writing is a bit like putting your heart out there for other people to break. I imagine it’s much worse these days with social media. For me, it has gotten scarier as I’ve gotten older too. To be young is to be fearless when you are a creative.

Tell us something we might not know about you?

This is tricky! I am an open book and a bit of a chatter, which probably winds up some of my more introverted colleagues. I strive for authentic connections with people so try very hard to be honest in my interactions.

My party trick is that I can say the alphabet backwards. Oh, and did you know at one time I was a qualified personal trainer and exercise to music instructor?

If you didn’t work at gcp what would your dream job have been?

A writer.

Do professional readers exist? Perhaps a book editor.

I have been writing creatively since I was in primary school, short stories, and poetry. My degree was in English Literature and my dissertation was a creative writing portfolio for which I received First Class marks.

I absolutely love the written word, language and reading aloud and these things still take up a large part of my time away from work even if I am not getting paid for them!

gcp appointed to deliver 239 quality sustainable homes in Swindon.

gcp are thrilled to be part of the team delivering Nationwide’s major new housing scheme in Swindon. The not for profit development will deliver 239 quality sustainable homes. The development has been designed as an intergenerational community with a mix of houses and flats, a community room, shared gardens, green spaces and links to the existing neighbourhood. 30% of the properties will be affordable. gcp are working for contractor Mi-Space, who started on site in April 2020. The first homes will be available to view in autumn 2021.

CGIs credit to PicturePlane, Metropolitan Workshop and PRP

CGIs credit to PicturePlane, Metropolitan Workshop and PRP

Please take a look at the development website for more information.

We are thrilled to say our Dundry House project has been certified to Passivhaus performace standard.

gcp Chartered Architects were appointed by a private client to create a flexible 3-bedroom home to be certified to the Passivhaus performance standard.

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The concept stage of the project was vital to ensure the dwelling was able to meet Passivhaus standards. Orientation was one of the key challenges for this site with the lovely northwest facing views being an important element for the client. This required careful optimisation of other elements to maintain Passivhaus performance.  

Colin Powell was the Lead Architect for this fantastic project. In 2011 Colin became the first Architect in the West of England region to be a certified PassivHaus designer. This project is the fifth completed project where Passivhaus has been the preferred performance objective and the second to be fully certified.
We asked Colin about the project and this is what he said.

‘This was an exciting project and a lovely site to work with. The big challenge was to make the building work to Passivhaus standards even with the large north-east facing windows that make the most of the amazing views. The construction, undertaken by the self-build clients, has been a labour of love that has produced an excellently built and beautiful home. Passivhaus certification is a well-deserved cherry on top that recognises their hard work and attention to detail.

In the concept stage of the project we had to take care to ensure the building was sensitive to its exposed location and neighbouring properties. A design approach that used the sloping site and had the main living space at upper floor level made the most of open views across the countryside. Materials were selected that included stone quarried from the site itself, dark stained timber and metal roofing that reflect the rural setting of the building.  

To provide a home that provides for flexible living and home-working, the main open-plan living space is at the upper level with bedroom and studio space at the lower. Sloping sites offer a great design opportunity and helps us take advantage of the fantastic views, whilst also providing some calm and intimate spaces on the lower floor.

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The attached garage doubles as a workshop and houses the wood-fired boiler that will be used to supply heating and hot water in the winter months.  this is located outside the main Passivhaus thermal enclosure to avoid overheating that would occur if it was inside the house.  

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A simple image that shows the overall shape and style of the new home. The stone on ground floor sits into the slope, whilst the white render makes a statement against the green landscaped backdrop to the home.

Dundry Section (blue).jpg

The house was constructed using Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) construction, which was well suited to both the energy performance requirements and the self-build construction methods.  ICF is easy to build, achieves high levels of insulation and excellent airtightness – all important parts of meeting the Passivhaus Standard.

Dundry Poster (Pumpkins)(gromit).jpg

We like to create a memorable image for our finished projects to give clients a memento of the project for their new home.  In this poster view we included some of the client’s personality, representing their fantastic garden which supplied a constant stream of produce at every visit.  The pumpkins and rhubarb were particularly impressive.

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We are always so pleased when a client is happy with the end result of the project. Their enthusiasm and hard work have been really inspiring and it is great to feel that we have played a part in helping them to achieve their dream home.  


The new dwelling received its Passivhaus certification in February 2020. To achieve accreditation, it needed to meet very high standards which included the best airtightness result of any of our projects to date: 0.4 ac/h (under the 0.6 required by Passivhaus and far in excess of a ‘standard’ build).

Most impressive of all is that this project was almost completely self-built by the client and is a testament to their hard work and careful attention to detail. The new home which includes energy generation, grey-water recycling and low carbon heating will require almost no energy to run and is as close to self-sufficient as the client could wish for.

Here are a few photos showing some of our favourite details of the project.

If you are looking to build your own PassivHaus home, get in touch by emailing or phoning our office on 0117 967 6286.