Employee Satisfaction #mentalhealthawareness

For several years, gcp have been on a journey to evolve our mental health and wellbeing initiatives, putting our team and their specific needs at the center of change.

This year marked our fourth year of running an Employee Survey, and our first year of running a separate feedback forum where staff could share all the things we are currently doing well.

We are committed to running an annual employee satisfaction survey using quality questions for benchmarking, so that we can monitor trends in satisfaction and track how any changes impact the wider team.

Following feedback from the team on this survey and via our Employee Council, we have now introduced a monthly wellbeing survey so there is less time between whole office check-ins.

Whilst this process continues to evolve, we decided that this year we would celebrate the positive things we are currently doing. We asked employees to pick out the things that meant the most to them and most supported their wellbeing at work.

We shared this with the whole team during mental health awareness week and will be adding this feedback to our website over the coming months.

It is important to us, not only to improve our offering, but to maintain the things that employees like, need, and appreciate.