team gcp

International Women's Day: 2025

Over recent years, we have made significant strides in improving gender diversity within our workforce. Since 2022, the percentage of female employees has increased from 38%, reaching 45.83% of our total workforce. This growth reflects an ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and balanced workplace. Through inclusive policies and a culture that supports gender equity, we continue to make progress in building and maintaining a more diverse, dynamic team.

gcp are a proud signatory for Women in Business Charter Bristol and have been since 2019. This charter provides an opportunity for goal setting, accountability and reflection enabling us to "embrace diversity, increase representation and empower women to thrive in their careers".

In recent review of our charter goals, we highlighted the need for unconscious bias training and an update to our Employee Handbook, both of which are now complete. We have added Gender Pay Gap analysis to our business KPIs, which are reviewed annually with trends tracked and monitored.  In 2025, we will support opportunities for those in our team who identify as women to feedback what support, training, processes and initiatives would most interest and benefit them at this current time, including mentoring.

Focus days are important, but equal emphasis must be placed on the work we are doing on the other days of the year. International Women’s Day is necessary to remind us that our journey is not yet complete.

Seasons Greetings from our growing team!

It's been another busy year for gcp. We took some time out at the beginning of December to enjoy a Christmas meal together in Bristol.

It’s always exciting to welcome more talent and experience to our growing team. Jonathan Arnold, Molly Sharps, Rose Nicholson, Ella Coomer, Caitlin Hawkins, Luke Gathergood and Joe Wood joined us in 2024 and we can’t wait to complete our office refurbishment to make space for even more projects, desks, break-out spaces and collaboration in January.

We can’t wait to see what is in store for us and for you, in 2025.

Season’s greetings to all and wishing you a very happy New Year.

Employee Satisfaction #mentalhealthawareness

For several years, gcp have been on a journey to evolve our mental health and wellbeing initiatives, putting our team and their specific needs at the center of change.

This year marked our fourth year of running an Employee Survey, and our first year of running a separate feedback forum where staff could share all the things we are currently doing well.

We are committed to running an annual employee satisfaction survey using quality questions for benchmarking, so that we can monitor trends in satisfaction and track how any changes impact the wider team.

Following feedback from the team on this survey and via our Employee Council, we have now introduced a monthly wellbeing survey so there is less time between whole office check-ins.

Whilst this process continues to evolve, we decided that this year we would celebrate the positive things we are currently doing. We asked employees to pick out the things that meant the most to them and most supported their wellbeing at work.

We shared this with the whole team during mental health awareness week and will be adding this feedback to our website over the coming months.

It is important to us, not only to improve our offering, but to maintain the things that employees like, need, and appreciate.

Our Declaration of Carbon Neutrality

Reducing our environmental impact has always been a key consideration in our design work. From delivering the UK’s first BREEAM Excellent sports centre in 2000, to becoming Passivhaus certified in 2007, and most recently generating whole life carbon assessments in 2019.

We are used to talking the talk, but in 2023 we decided it was time to walk the walk. Through our Employee Council we floated the idea of measuring our own carbon impact with a view to reducing carbon emissions as far as possible and becoming carbon neutral.

We reviewed various certification schemes and assessment methodologies including B-Corp, PAS 2060 and EcoVadis. The pros and cons were discussed in the Employee Council before a report was prepared for the Board. We settled on PAS 2060 as our methodology for measuring carbon emissions, creating a carbon reduction plan, and offsetting.

We can now release our Declaration of Carbon Neutrality for 2022-2023.

During this time, we reported on our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, alongside Scope 3 emissions for transport. Scope 1 relates to on-site emissions, e.g. gas boilers. Scope 2 relates to off-site emissions for energy used on-site e.g. electric boiler. Scope 3 covers all other emissions on and off site including relevant upstream and downstream emissions.

Our total carbon footprint for 2022/23 was 6.2tCO2e, split into 44% Scope 2 and 56% Scope 3 emissions.

Over our historic reporting period our Scope 2 emissions have reduced year on year due to:

  • Installing an efficient HVAC unit with heat recovery to reduce carbon emissions through ventilation as well as improving office air quality.

  • Changing all office lighting to better performing LED fittings.

  • UK grid decarbonization.

In the same period our Scope 3 emissions fell sharply due to COVID, but also due to:

  • Encouraging staff to cycle where appropriate to reduce travel emissions.

  • Reducing the number of on-site meetings where not necessary.

  • Encouraging low carbon transport methods where possible.

Whilst 2022/23 saw an increase in Scope 3 emissions from 2020/21 and 2021/22 this is primarily due to an increase in staff numbers alongside business returning somewhat to the pre-COVID norm. Ignoring the impact of COVID, our Scope 3 emissions have reduced by 46% from our 2018/19 base level. This is demonstrated by the graph below.

Whilst we continue to reduce our carbon emissions, there will always be a need to offset the remaining emissions to achieve carbon neutrality. As such from 2022 we started a tree planting program.

Initially our tree planting was based on a will to do the right thing rather than data, but now we report against PAS 2060 we are monitoring how many trees should be planted annually to cover our emissions.

Our offsetting strategy is based on Pending Issuance Units (PIUs) for predicted growth of saplings rather than Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs) which cover sequestered carbon in mature woodland. gcp will monitor the survival rate and growth of the trees over the next reporting period to accurately monitor the carbon absorption.

In February 2024 gcp planted 160 trees to offset our carbon emissions for the 2022/23 reporting period. This equates to approximately 160 tonnes of carbon over the lifetime of the trees. This is far greater than what was required to offset our 6.2 tonnes of carbon emissions for the reporting period, but overachieving with PIUs allows us to achieve a real-world carbon break even point as soon as possible.

This is demonstrated in the graph below:

This demonstrates our predicted carbon emissions over the next 30 years against the real-time carbon offsets through tree planting. We can forecast that from the start of our reporting period we will be carbon neutral by 2044.

Extrapolating this in both directions, which includes a lot of assumptions, we can approximate that gcp will be carbon neutral for all emissions since conception in 1987 by 2061.

Above: gcp tree planting 2024

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End of Year Wrap Up: 2023

After a successful 2022, we started 2023 on a high, determined to build on last year’s key themes of collaboration, team work and supporting the next generation of designers and architects.

In January, we ran a workshop in a local primary school, where we helped the students think about the design of an outdoor education space. Later in the year, we had a year 10 work experience student join us for the week.

We also celebrated Owen Faunt graduating from his Architectural Assistant Degree Apprenticeship in May, Sarah Makroum completing her RIBA Part 2 qualification, Hazel Momberg becoming a chartered member of CIAT and Matt Taylor completing his RIBA Part 3 to become a fully qualified architect.

This year a key focus for us has been sustainability. We have been invited to lead seminars to help others understand Whole Life Carbon, emerging policy and specifics relating to their own projects. We can now undertake Whole Life Carbon Assessments to help with target setting and reporting – get in touch if you would like to know more!

Several of our construction projects have wrapped up in 2023, including all-but-one phase of Century Park, Lawrence Weston, phase 1 of Oakfield in Swindon, phase 2 of Margaret Bondfield Close in Pilton, the refurbishment of three tower blocks on Silcox Road in Bristol, and the Swimarium in Westbury.

gcp have always had a strong portfolio of housing projects and we have finished this year on another high: achieving planning permission on sites including a rural exception site in the Forest of Dean and conversion of a warehouse to apartments in Bristol.

In June we achieved planning for Walwyn Gardens, a scheme that finally achieved planning after a two-year wait. This retrofit scheme includes demolishing and replacing existing leaking courtyard access walkways with contemporary, thermally improved communal access routes. All windows and doors will be replaced as well as a new colour palette introduced to the reclad corridor elements. Construction work has now begun.

Two years of design and consultation with a team of environmental consultants culminated with unanimous support of the South Gloucestershire Development Committee of our proposals for extensions to the McBraida Aerospace engineering works at Bridgeyate, Bristol. This marks a significant milestone in the McBraida company’s long-term plan to expand and modernize their UK headquarters. We were thrilled to be part of the team helping the expansion plan to succeed.

It had been a while since gcp had entered any big competitions, but we loved the look of Bristol Housing Festival’s Nover’s Hill.

Nover’s Hill is a ecologically constrained site and the brief was for a sustainable development with high biodiversity. Through careful analysis of the levels, the existing trees, the views and the pond we created a high density housing scheme which promoted large amounts of public and private amenity spaces, natural light and ventilation.

Entering more competitions was a 2023 aspiration for our team, so we thought we’d give it a go. We were thrilled to win the competition!

We will be working on developing the scheme in more detail for Goram Homes in 2024.

Back with our team, we continued to focus on mental health and wellbeing, using National Work Life Week and Mental Health Awareness Week as part of our annual diary, not just because they support our company values, but because they allow us to report, refocus, review our polices and remind ourselves regularly to check in with each other.

This year we planted sunflowers, made art together, took some forest walks, went to the café as an office and played board games. These events gave importance to taking a break, having some fun and connecting with our colleagues. We are just finishing up our advent of December games, where we take a few moments each day to be silly and enjoy some friendly competition.

It's been another busy year for gcp. We took some time at the beginning of December to enjoy a Christmas meal together in Keynsham and will hold farewell drinks for Martin Spear on Thursday, when he retires after 35 years of wonderful service. He will be sadly missed, but we wish him well on his next adventure.

It’s exciting to welcome more talent and experience to our growing team. Esther Slade, Jenny Gossage, Tim Oswald, Tina Vasilache and Richard Glass joined us in 2023 and we have one more new starter joining us in the New Year.

We can’t wait to see what is in store for us and for you, in 2024.

Season’s greetings to all and wishing you a very happy New Year.

Meet the Team: Philip

Experienced architect Philip Baker joined gcp two years ago. Philip last worked for the business in the late 1990’s and brings lots of practical knowledge of managing large scale construction projects to the team. 

Today we take some time to celebrate his two-year-anniversary by asking him some quick-fire questions so you can get to know him better.

Philip is an architect with extensive project delivery experience. He has worked internationally for over 20 years on iconic projects under demanding conditions. He has successfully led design teams to produce coordinated information to meet the project’s requirements. His key strengths are communicating with stakeholders, motivating the design team and organising their output.

Philip takes a creative and practical approach in overcoming and solving project design conflicts to keep in budget and meet deadlines.

Following his time abroad, Philip moved back to the UK and rejoined gcp where he takes great pleasure in sharing his love of Bristolian history with the whole practice.

Philip has successfully led design teams on many high-profile international developments, including ones in Cyprus, India, and Kazakhstan. Prior to his work in Asia, Philip ran his own architectural practice in Cyprus, managing a modest team that served the expatriate community in the Paphos region.

Since rejoining gcp, Philip has led projects predominantly in the industrial sector carefully balancing manufacturing requirements and planning constraints and coordinating the design team. In addition to this, Philip is coordinating estate regeneration and retrofit works to social housing developments.

Hi Philip – happy anniversary – first up we’d like to ask: what inspired you to pursue architecture?

As a child I enjoyed making things mainly Lego and Airfix kits but also origami and drawing. My Dad worked in the building industry, and I would be fascinated by the working drawings of houses he would bring home.

Obviously, you have some history with gcp, having worked for the business back on the 90’s. What has been your favourite project to work on at gcp, so far?

Easily, my favourite project was the refurbishment of St Pierre Hotel in Chepstow back in 1990 during my first tenure with gcp. The original building was a listed Tudor manor house which had been converted to a hotel and extended. The project was a total renovation of the entire property, I was based on site to coordinate the interior fit-out with the various contractors and the interior designers.

Sounds fascinating, I’ll have to go and check our archive for that one. And what’s been your best moment at gcp in the last year?

The weekend in Devon

I hear the BBQ your provided, inspired by your life in Cyprus, was a huge success!

If you weren’t an architect, what would you be?

I originally left school at 16 and worked as an apprentice for a consulting engineering company. We were involved in the construction of the three aircraft carriers, Illustrious, Invincible and Ark Royal. So, if I was not an architect, I would probably be an engineer.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am currently remodelling my flat. Otherwise, my long term hobby is spannering classic cars and motorcycles. I am restoring my MG midget for the third time.

The one everyone is waiting for: can you tell us something we might not already know about you?

I like making 1/12 scale models of F1 cars

That sounds cool! Perhaps a show-and-tell of the models you’ve made might be on the cards in the future. To finish up, what is your proudest personal achievement?

 I travelled solo around the world when I was 23.

What an amazing achievement!

Thanks for your time today Phillip, it’s fantastic getting to know more about our team as individuals and todays interview did not disappoint. To read about Philip’s Medieval walking tour through Old Bristol, click here.

Meet the Team: Matt T

Following on from Hazel’s Meet The Team interview, we have Matt Taylor, also celebrating one-year at gcp.

Matt is an Architectural Assistant who has worked for a variety of practices ranging from very small teams up to multi-office national practices. He joined gcp in 2022 to support our housing sector and is undertaking Part 3 training to register as an Architect.

Matt’s early employment enabled him to work on many small projects within sensitive areas such as Areas of Outstanding National Beauty, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Conservation Areas, and buildings with listed status. Working later for multi-disciplinary and larger practices, Matt focused on developing masterplans for housing and mixed-use schemes ranging from 10 to over 1000 unit schemes, and progressing these through to planning.

Since joining gcp, Matt has been heavily involved in Retrofit, supporting contractors with on-site works for the fabric upgrade of social housing stock.

Matt’s experience lies most particularly within the housing sector. Through his extensive  masterplanning work he brings a thorough understanding of the opportunities and constraints linked to housing development, including the impact of planning policy and sites with special designations.

Having worked with multiple housebuilders and housing associations, he is able to very quickly provide appraisals for housing sites to suit each particular client’s needs.

Matt’s masterplanning experience is balanced with rigorous technical knowledge which enables him to provide technical coordination for volume housebuilding, and support  retrofit works in the housing sector. He has particularly been involved in pilot projects for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund and is working towards becoming a qualified UK Retrofit Designer to support projects delivered under PAS 2035.

Morning Matt! What we always like to ask first is, what inspired you to pursue architecture?

I had a big interest in the sciences as a teenager (mostly physics) but come from an artistic background, having two older artist siblings, architecture was what I saw to be a blending of the two interests growing up.


Great! And what has been your favourite project to work on at gcp, so far?


The SHDF wave 1 work (two Rivers) has been a high point for me as the first project ive taken all the way through from planning to completion, with the Help of Michael.


If you want to check our Michael Hanson’s Meet The Team: 23-year Anniversary Interview, click here.


This year has gone so quickly. What has been your best moment with gcp in the last year?


I can pin down any particular moment, but I’ve enjoyed the many social activities, Devon weekend, barbecue, even just the Friday pub, easily the most social office I’ve worked for.


gcp really pride ourselves on our social events and team activities, so really pleased you’ve enjoyed them. What do you like to do in your spare time?


I enjoy playing a lot of boardgames / DND, I also paint digitally in my spare time most days.


And what’s your proudest personal achievement? 


I once played paintball professionally (odd one I know its my dads doing) sponsored team and everything, got to play in France once .


Wow. So, if you weren’t an Architectural Assistant, what do you think you would be? 


Complete side-step but right up to when I decided on architecture I loved the idea of marine biology, so most likely that. Failing that some kind of artist.


Complete side-step indeed, but not surprising! You are a really interesting person with such varied hobbies. Lastly, I normally ask interviewees to tell us something we might not already know about you? 


I can play two instruments, bass and a bit of drums.


Another one for the gcp band! Thanks for your time today Matt, here’s to the next year.


Check out our blog to see more recent staff anniversaries, project news and round-ups of our recent social events.



gcp visit Edinburgh

It was back in 2020, when former director, Colin Powell moved to Edinburgh from Bath to fulfil a family dream of living in Scotland. A global pandemic, three years and many successful projects later a small group of the gcp team embarked on a mini-office-trip to pay him (and magnificent Edinburgh) a visit.

Our trip started early on Friday morning with a 7am flight from Bristol International Airport, landing us in Edinburgh just as the day was beginning to break. An atmospheric mist settled over the streets as we took the bus into the capital, finally splitting to cast glorious sunshine over the gothic city once brunch was over.

That first morning was for exploring – the Botanical Gardens, Modern Two, quaintly cobbled streets and an independent-makers-market inside a church were some of the sights taken in before we headed to our meeting place of Edinburgh Castle for a group experience.

We battled the crowds to take in the beauty of the sun soaked city from upon high. The breathless, panoramic views were worth being squeezed like sardines through the entrance and once inside the settlement it was peaceful with lots to look at.

There might have been a pint (or two) consumed afterwards in an quirky little pub and many thousands of steps clocked up on the step trackers.

Day Two started off with pastries and coffee (for those of us who didn’t have breakfasts at the hotel or AirBnB) and meeting Colin at the bottom of the Royal Mile, for a walk that started in a graveyard and ended in a café.

We took a meandering route, soaking up amazing views and the lovely streets of New Town. There were surprising pockets of nature to be discovered in the West End, all sprinkled with history, stories, anecdotes and interesting facts from Colin. We caught up as we walked, taking in what felt like an entirely different city to the day before.

Everywhere you turn in Edinburgh, there is something for your eyes to feast upon. Each street looks like it could be a scene in a film or the setting of a novel; I found myself saying “it’s beautiful, no this is beautiful” more times that I can count. With Autumn just at the edges of the trees and the weather zig-zagging between smokey skies and blinding sunshine, I felt like we really got the best it could offer.

After our tour we were armed with knowledge of the best bookshops in the city and filled with the most delicious toastie I’ve ever eaten it was time for a well-earned rest. Another 15,000 steps clocked in on the tracker, there were a few free hours (an amazing entrance-way in the National Portrait Gallery, yoga, a chapter of my book, a glass of wine) before we met again for a lovely dinner.

Colin surprised us all with some hand-thrown tea bowls (he has taken up pottery since moving to Edinburgh); and we finished the evening in a wine bar, chatting about our trip so far and sharing our go-to karaoke songs.

By Sunday, there was still more to do and by now, my fitness tracker was wondering if perhaps my watch had been stolen by someone who walks much more than I normally do. Today was Arthur’s Seat for some, bookshops, people watching and coffee for others. Signed-First-Editions, origami book pages, museums, galleries, parks, fountains, a fancy new shopping mall – we made the most of our last, long day, squeezing in as many of the sights as we could, before heading back to Edinburgh Airport for dinner and a late flight back to Bristol.


Join gcp!

Want to join gcp?

We are recruiting here at gcp Chartered Architects. If you are ready for a new challenge, we have several opportunities for design professionals to join our team in Bristol. You will need to be organised, proactive and keen to make a difference. Do you know anyone who might be interested?

Please click on the relevant title for more information.

Senior Architect RIBA

Senior Technologist CIAT

Meet The Team: Hazel

It’s been a while since we’ve added any new employee anniversaries and this week we have two to celebrate. First up is Hazel Momberg, celebrating one year with gcp.

Hazel joined gcp last year as an Architectural Technologist to support projects at tender and construction stages, manage project delivery, and assist the coordination across project teams.

In previous employment with GAPP Architects & Urban Designers as a Senior Architectural Technologist for six years, Hazel worked primarily within the hospitality sector, leading projects for luxury safari brands such as Singita and Helios Lodges Company Ltd.

Hazel has experience in all stages of an architectural project including and not limited to concept initiation, design development, construction documentation, site supervision and project management. More recently, Hazel has focused on the delivery of housing developments with particularly stringent deadlines, where precise and rigorous coordination across the project team is vital to meet client targets.

Hazel has completed an APS Accredited Principal Designer Course, allowing her to support all projects under the current CDM2015 Regulations. With a keen eye for detailing and passion for the built environment, Hazel has also recently qualified as a Chartered Architectural Technologist (MCIAT) with the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT).

Morning Hazel! Lets start with an easy one: what inspired you to pursue architecture?

I grew up in a creative family, and because of this have always enjoyed drawing and making things. In school, I developed a passion for problem solving through subjects such as Maths, Science and Technology. Architecture allowed me to combine these two fields of interest into one career path. Designing creative solutions for complex problems is something that sparked my attention at the time, and still does today.

What has been your favourite project to work on at gcp, so far?

St Peters Close in Plymouth has been a very rewarding experience because it is the first project I’ll complete from start to finish in the UK. The development focuses on providing accessible accommodation to enable residents to stay in their homes even as their life needs change.

You have a visible enthusiasm for Architecture but if you weren’t an Architectural Technologist, what would you be?

I wouldn’t mind being a National Geographic Photographer in an exotic rainforest, pursuing the perfect shot of some endangered creature with David Attenborough by my side (big dreams).

Nothing wrong with dreaming a bright future. What have you already achieved that you are proud of?

Keeping my houseplants alive!

On a serious note though, taking the leap to leave my home country, South Africa, to work in the UK was challenging, but in turn a rewarding experience. It has allowed me to develop my passion for architecture in new ways as well as make valuable new friendships along the way.

We’re really pleased you came here. You are positive and grounded member of the team. What’s been your best moment working at gcp in the last year?

One of the best things about working at gcp is the great social environment amongst colleagues. It’s for this reason that I enjoyed the gcp weekend away in Devon where we made some unforgettable memories together.

gcp’s annual staff trip to Devon

Hazel now runs our Events Team, so expect more unforgettable socials in the future!

Moving away from work, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Nothing beats a good road trip to one of UK’s AONB for a long hike and some time spent in nature. Photography is a hobby of mine, so I’ll often take my camera along for the ride too.

To finish up, I normally ask interviewees to tell us something we might not already know about you?

I can play the piano and flute.

gcp are a musical bunch! Might there be an office band in our future?

Thanks for your time today Hazel, we love celebrating our staff anniversaries and getting to know people a little better. To finish up, is there anything else you would like to share?

My favourite quote: ‘The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.’ - Nelson Mandela

Perfect. Keep any eye out on our blog for more staff anniversaries, coming soon.

gcp's annual trip to Devon

When it comes to work-life balance, taking time off to bond with your colleagues can be a refreshing and rewarding experience. This is why this past July, gcp took the opportunity to go away on a weekend retreat to Devon. It was an unforgettable adventure filled with camaraderie, laughter, and a delightful exploration of this stunning coastal region.

Our adventure began on Friday afternoon, leaving the office early so that we could all enjoy a delicious meal and a couple drinks at the local pub in Welcombe, the Old Smithy Inn. When bellies were full and pint glasses empty, we made our way to our cozy seaside accommodation to settle in for the night.

Morning: Devon’s Natural Beauty

Day two began with the delicious smell of freshly baked croissants and a healthy spread of fruits and cereals for breakfast, and of course, some good coffee. We then strapped on our walking shoes to enjoy a scenic hike along the coastline to Speke's Mill Mouth Waterfall. The views of the waves, combined with the fresh Devon air, made it an ideal spot to enjoy pasties, quiche, and each other's company.

The beautiful Hartland Clifftop group walk was spectacular and Phil’s BBQ, absolutely delicious!
— Tim O

Afternoon: A Cyprus BBQ

How fortunate we were to be treated to a BBQ by Phillip Baker inspired by his life in Cyprus. Succulent lamb, spiced meatballs and Greek salads were just a few of the items on the menu. As the sun went down, seated at a long table in the garden, we ate and drank to our hearts content.  

My favourite memory was sitting chatting in the garden with everyone, with the sun shining and the smell of the BBQ going
— Esther S

Morning: Farewell, until next time.

Sundays are for rest, and that is exactly what we did to end of the weekend. With legs a little tender from our long walk the day before, we enjoyed a few boards games before sitting down to our last meal together in the garden. This time, it was Tom Mellor our host who cooked up a hearty stew. With hearts full thanks to a wonderful weekend together, we said our farewells with high hopes to do it all again next year.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Success!

On Monday 2 October, gcp hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning bake sale at our office in Warmley. We had some delicious cakes and treats baked and bought by our team and enjoyed by the Corum offices. It was a great chance for the staff to get involved in a worthy cause and amazing to see how many people came out to have a try of the efforts. A huge thank you to all those who got involved or donated, we are delighted to have raised over £200 and will look forward to smashing this total next year.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2023

To support our ISO9001 & ISO14001 Quality & Environmental Management System Accreditation, gcp run a Customer Satisfaction Survey every two years. This feedback helps us with our commitment to continuous improvement and enables us to tailor our services to the current needs of our clients.

Thank you to everyone who recently responded to our Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire.

A few highlights from the responses:

  • 93% of respondents are very likely to recommend us to a colleague

  • 96% of respondents are “very satisfied” with gcp

  • 82% of respondents say we “added value” to their project

  • 75% say we are “high quality”

  • 96% of respondents say we are “reliable”

  • 72% say the quality of our advice and support is “excellent: I felt gcp cared about me and my needs” with the remaining 28% responding “good: a knowledgeable, professional service”

If you missed out on giving feedback, you can still do so by emailing your contact at gcp. If you would like an in-depth project feedback session, please let us know. We would love to take learning from any recent schemes to improve our future solutions.

If there are any current projects or queries we can help with, do not hesitate to get in touch.

gcp's Philip Baker takes team on Medieval Tour through Bristol's Old City

At gcp Chartered Architects, we make a special effort to spend together outside of the usual 9-5 office hours. As part of our June social get-together, Philip Baker took us on a Medieval Tour through Bristol's Old City where we learnt all about the area's fascinating history and how our city came to be.

It was only fitting for the tour to begin at the Bristol Bridge. Bristol, previously known as 'Brycgstow', meaning the "meeting place at the bridge" in the old Saxon language.

St Peters Church

Only a few minutes away, Phil led us to our first stop, St Peter's Church. Before the war, the area was Bristol's main shopping centre, but sadly the area was heavily bombed and mostly destroyed. Fortunately, the shell of the ruined church was retained as a memorial.

Bristol Castle & Sally Port Doorway

Standing at the Round Pool, we looked over Castle Park where the Motte and Bailey Castle once used to stand. Constructed in 1088 on the narrow piece of land between the Frome and Avon River, it was built to control access to the town and announce the new ruler of the country, William the Conqueror.

Making our way through the Park and down to Sally Port, we gazed through the steel gates that lead to a hidden series of steps. These were cut into the rock to allow a garrison of troops to exit the Castle during a siege and allow them to attack the enemy from the rear.

St James Priory

Weaving through the city centre along roads that follow the River Frome down below, we made our way to St James Priory Church. Dating back to the 12th century, this is the oldest Church in Bristol that is still in daily use. Here we were treated to a private tour by one of the very knowledgeable staff members. Through the years, the building has transformed to adapt to the changing city around it, as you can see in the sketch below.

A tiny hidden Church, many more stories, and Part 2 to follow…

The final stop on our tour was the hidden historical gem built on and into the remains of the old Town Wall, St John the Baptist Church, better known as St John on the Wall. Using a large, ornate key to pry open the great green entrance door, Phil lead us within. Here we gazed upon the beautiful stained glass windows, the magnificent church organ, and even had the opportunity to climb the tiny staircase up the clock tower.

We have only been able to retell but a few of the many wonderful stories Phil shared with us about the Medieval Town in the heart of Bristol. Watch this space for Part 2 of the tour which will take place later this month.

Want to join gcp?

We are recruiting here at gcp Chartered Architects. If you are ready for a new challenge, we have opportunities for design professionals to join our team in Bristol. You will need to be organised, proactive and keen to make a difference. The roles will be busy and varied and will focus on two main areas: estate regeneration comprising decarbonisation and retrofitting of medium to large scale projects (£5m to £20m) and sports / leisure projects focusing on indoor cricket facilities, with ambition to grow within that sector. Do you know anyone who might be interested?


Architectural Technologist

End of Year Wrap Up: 2022

2022 has seen the “new normal” become the normal-normal, with hybrid working and remote meetings just a part of everyday life now. With bubble-working and office closures a thing of the past, the word of the year at gcp has been collaboration. We have really enjoyed being back in the office together, sharing stories and cakes at our Monday huddles and using our new whiteboard space for design workshops.

We started the year by offsetting carbon emissions: a frosty January day was spent planting trees with Avon Needs Trees. gcp are committed to tackling climate change both through our designs and our actions. We hope to build off this initial planting session by further developing our carbon tracking, reduction, reporting, and offsetting strategies to better understand how we can make a difference.

In February we celebrated national apprenticeship week, with architectural apprentice Owen Faunt. We are pleased to be supporting Owen through his Architectural Apprenticeship at South Bank University, London. We love discussing his projects and seeing his finished work and are incredibly proud of how far he’s come since his change of careers 3 years ago.

Part of his experience this year was the chance to work on The Ranch, Southmead, with DIY SOS. gcp helped with the overarching vision and Owen got the chance to put his amazing sketching skills to work.

Team challenges form the cornerstone of office morale here at gcp, and in March we split into team-bikes and team-books to see who could go the furthest – readers or cyclists. Team reading easily beat the cyclists, though with their many pub lunch cycles clocked up, who was the real winning team?!

In July, some of the staff, their partners and families took a relaxing weekend trip to Devon and in September we celebrated the company’s 30th birthday with our favorite memories and a huge cake.

2022 has seen a boom in recent sports project experience. gcp were proud to help bring a top class sporting facility to West London, with the completion of a fantastic cricket centre developed in conjunction with the Wilf Slack Trust, Middlesex Cricket and Willam Perkins School. We have some more exciting sports projects on the program for 2023!

Our long-running relationship with Curo continued this year, with Century Park a 128 unit scheme progressing well on site. This scheme has received great press and is a finalist in Bristol Property Awards, for Residential Development.

Alongside marking a continued relationship with Curo, we were pleased to be working with EG Carters, a partnership which has been ongoing for over 18 years. We have worked closely with the EG Carter team over the years to find practical development solutions for often tricky sites across the South West.

Our first project together (back in 2004!) was a small infill housing project in a dense urban neighbourhood in Bristol. Current projects include Rural Exception sites in Somerset and Wiltshire where we have worked closely with the E G Carter team, jointly negotiating our way through complex planning, land and environmental issues, to deliver needed affordable homes that are welcomed by the local community.

We celebrated with Acorn Property Group and Halsall the completion of Brooks Dye Works, a 113-home regeneration project in St Werburghs, Bristol.

Our initial contact with Acorn began when we supported Halsall Construction on the Otters Holt development in Ottery St Mary, a complex brownfield development in a conservation area. Acorn subsequently approached us to resolve planning conditions and provide technical design for their major project at the old Brooks Laundry in Bristol. Alongside architectural design we also provided energy assessments to meet Acorn's performance targets through our in-house energy consultancy.

Alongside our continued housing experience and exciting sports projects, we have been working on Retrofit in the Forest of Dean. At the CIH conference in September, Tom Mellor presented alongside Curtins, Two Rivers and Rider Levett Bucknall as part of the “Bristol Retrofit Collective” speaking to Demystify PAS2035. We will be running some further seminars on this subject in the New Year, so please get in touch if you’d like to get added to the list.

All in all, it’s been a busy year for gcp and we rounded it off with a lovely Christmas meal in Bristol last week. After a busy few months, it was lovely to gather around the table, enjoy good food and even better company and raise a glass to the success of our small team over the year.

We can’t wait to see what is in store for us and for you, in 2023.

Season’s greetings to all and wishing you a very happy New Year.

Meet the Team: Michael Hanson

Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, Kensington Memorial Park Waterpark

There’s a really exciting employee anniversary this month – Senior Architect Michael Hanson celebrates 23 years at gcp. As part of the celebrations, we wanted to ask him a few questions about his time here.

As one of our longest serving team members, he has a wealth of experience in leisure, community, education, regeneration and social housing projects for a range of clients including local authorities, housing associations and commercial developers.

Michael has worked on a wide range of projects as lead architect, and also in a consultancy role as assessor and expert energy advisor.

For over 15 years, Michael has had particular interest in the issues of conservation and sustainable environmental design, he has undertaken research and energy modelling to help clients optimise design and construction specifications for low energy housing, including researching  renewable  technology  impacts  and  cost-benefits  for  clients  and  occupants.

Michael is an accredited SAP & EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) assessor.

As part of his interest in developing a deeper understanding of building physics and energy in buildings, in 2011 Michael completed an MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings at Cardiff University, achieving a distinction. This included research into the impacts of domestic retrofit measures, which was published in his dissertation; “The Risk and Reward of Implementing Zero Carbon Retrofit to UK Dwellings: Studies of Implemented Measures and Analysis of Outcomes.”

As a project lead, Michael has particular experience of running the construction stage of projects, involving the discharge of planning conditions, Building Regulation compliance and detailed design co-ordination. In recent years Michael has developed particular experience in works to existing buildings. This has included complex conversion and refurbishment of commercial buildings and residential low and high-rise buildings.

As part of this experience Michael has been responsible for consultation with existing occupiers and management of the complexities of working in occupied buildings and the close coordination this requires. His most recent projects continue this, but focus on whole building low energy retrofit and decarbonisation initiatives, delivering stepchanges in resident experience and energy demands.

Michael  has  completed  training  to  deliver  Principal  Designer  services  to  meet  the requirements of CDM 2015 Health & Safety Regulations.


Well Michael, I think your experience speaks for itself. Let’s give our followers the chance to get to know you a bit better with a few quick-fire questions.

We’ll start with the easy one: what inspired you to pursue architecture?

Several aspects; my father was a carpenter, and he had a background of a long running multi-generational family business, in the model of general builder and funeral directors. Construction and buildings were a fact. When I was a child we’d investigate local sites if we came across one on a walk (before current levels of health & safety secured sites!) and I remember trying to piece together the part-finished buildings in my head. Additionally my secondary school art teacher was a good encouragement.  

Thanks for sharing that. If you weren’t an architect, what would you be?

Hmmm. Perhaps I would have pursued art – I did art to A-level, enjoyed painting in oils, mainly landscapes at that point. But essentially I gain joy in creating things – so I guess I would have ended up in some sort of creative endeavour.  

You’ve been here for such a long time, do you think you could narrow it down to your favourite project to work on at gcp?

There have been many really, I enjoy each one as they come along – and can get very focused in the detail. But Hengrove Leisure park was an early one, as well as work on the major parks in London for RBKC, particularly at Kensington Memorial Park, and then various community centre and old school site works. Always good to see the benefit for the client & users. There are others that I've enjoyed at concept stage which were never realised in the end – several schemes which would have had dramatic interventions for residents such as proposals for refurbishment of highrise towers in Exeter and Swindon, all unfortunately suffered the fate of local authority financial difficulties not pursuing project delivery.

And what’s been your best moment at gcp in the last year?

I would say some of our staff social events. Gathering again with colleagues and their families down in Devon at the start of this summer was a particular highlight.

Anything Else?

Staggered by way time flies. Time with gcp has been a blend of various different experiences – always with very good people.

Couldn’t agree more and with this anniversary marks the end of another calendar year. Where did 2022 go? Just a few final questions to finish up.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

There never seems to be much of it, but if it is just my time, then cycling and gardening bring satisfaction peace and joy.

When it is longer time with my family we like to get out and visit historic places, to explore or visit new places and do activities – we don’t do static holidays – the act of journeying is part of the experience.

What’s your proudest personal achievement?

My family - My daughters.            

Norfolk Coast, 2020

And to wrap up – my favourite questions to ask! - could tell us something we might not already know about you?

Hmm. Should that be I’m a quarter Italian?

È molto gentile da parte tua!

Narrowboat Steering, 2019

Thanks so much for your time today Michael. It really is a pleasure to celebrate our staff anniversaries and achievements and today was a particularly monumental one.  

We have an exciting month of Christmas fun coming up in December – keep an eye on our blog to see what we doing throughout the month to bring some festive joy to the office.

Happy Birthday gcp!

It’s gcp’s 35th Birthday this week. We will be celebrating in the office with cake and nibbles!

As part of the celebrations, we asked staff to submit favourite memories, moments and projects and created a list of 35 memories for 35 years of business.

  1. Jeremy gave me my first opportunity to gain work experience back in 2006 (16 years ago!). It gave me a competitive advantage over my peers and helped me get my foot in the door of other architect firms to progress my career.

    I have now come full circle and find myself back with gcp much more capable than when I left back in 2008. Tom H

  2. A memory I’ll treasure forever is the wonderful long weekend we spent in Devon. I couldn’t have hoped for a more supportive, creative and knowledgeable group of colleagues and friends. Hoorah to 35 years and the many more beyond! Martina

  3. A fond memory (which I think is suitable) is me crying whilst doing the gcp Peak Challenge and shouting ‘I hate this so much’ midway up a peak! Everyone was really supportive of me, encouraging me to push through and it made me really proud to be part of such a lovely team! Siobhan

  4. The most rewarding aspect of being an architect is being part of a team which delivers a scheme everyone is happy with. There is nothing more satisfying than the client telling you that they are really pleased with the end result. Jon B

  5. My favourite project was Lisson Grove Medical Centre in Plymouth where we turned a coffin maker’s workshop into a modern medical centre. The building is featured in the surgeries section (1992 – 30 years ago! ) and was completed by Jeremy Pilling and Martin Spear.

    The work was done over a long hot summer and we used to play golf at Moretonhampstead on the way back from site visits.

    It still looked great when I went to look at it a couple of years ago. Jeremy

  6.  Best memory of gcp was the opening of Foundation Park, a new facility that you could see instantly was going to provide an environment to support a community in demand. Bringing together people through activity is very powerful, improving lives socially, physically, and mentally. James

  7. My favourite moments are probably organising the successful 30th anniversary celebrations such as the quiz, the black tie dinner and the client lunch. Everything went to plan and months of organisation were worth it ! Won’t be long until the 40th celebrations…….. Maria

  8. My favourite project was Homelands Dundry – it is so satisfying designing something directly for clients who are so enthusiastic and committed to the project. Colin

  9. My milestone had to be starting at gcp full-time. It was a complete change and a leap into the unknown. But, I had confidence that gcp was a great company from my previous meetings with everyone. 3 years on and it’s one of the best life choices I’ve made. Owen

  10. I really liked the way people pulled together through Covid and in some ways I think we became a more social team because of that. The little 15 min coffee break calls and Friday lunch virtual pub trips, plus the pub quizzes Sarah and others would prepare really demonstrated the importance of caring for your co-workers. Matt B

  11. Playing Articulate at the pub. Jeremy is trying to get us to guess the word ‘Droop’. Gives us the following clue ‘First name of rapper _________ Dog’. Sarah

  12. Pub Fridays – as an office, we are very sociable and many of us like to enjoy a trip to the local pub on Friday. In the summer we often walk, sit outside and enjoy the sun, and in winter we sometimes take games to enjoy. One year we were playing a game where Jeremy was trying to describe the word ‘droop,’ to which he described it as the name of a rapper…the well known ‘droop dog.’ Esther

  13. We teamed up with Avon Needs Trees to plant 68 trees and 69 shrubs to support their local planting program on a cold but beautiful morning back in January 2022.

  14. My favourite memories are always the build up to Christmas – although a busy and often stressful period in the office, we play games like ‘what’s in the stocking’, do activities like ‘hot chocolate bar,’ and spend time together at the christmas party. Even through Covid these games became virtual but were still executed with the same enthusiasm. Esther

  15. We became employee owned in September 2020, marking an exciting evolution for the business.

  16. gcp 30th Charity Quiz: Preparing puzzle questions for a very successful quiz at the Muddock. Sarah

  17. My favourite memory would be our office trip to Barcelona – such a great weekend with a lovely group of people. Colin

  18. Visiting the opening of Brent Knoll, one of my first housing schemes at gcp which I worked on from feasibility, to public consultation, planning and construction. The feedback from the client and the future home owners was incredibly positive. Esther

  19. Christmas-no-lunch. December sees a month-long celebration in our office, with daily games and challenges and lots of social events. I was really proud of how we were able to pull together advent-boxes, prepared and delivered to covid-guidelines so that we could have some of that office-Christmas-feeling in what was a difficult festive season during a pandemic. Our Christmas-no-lunch was a virtual quiz with drinks and snacks, that lasted all afternoon and made things feel a little more normal! Natalie

  20. In the Spring of 1987 Graham Carrthers invited Jeremy Pilling to join him in partnership, launching as Graham Carruthers Partnership in the September. We set up business in a double bedroom (with en-suite print room) with the fabulously entertaining Sharon Rogers as our secretary to keep us well and truly off the straight and narrow. And so gcp began.

  21. 10 Peaks challenge – it was tough, wet and rainy. But a fantastic challenge that a large number of gcp got involved with to raise money. We danced at the top of some of the peaks, encouraged each other to keep pushing on, talked more personal than work lives and finished with a delicious pub dinner. Esther

  22. In 1997, gcp was commissioned by Bristol City Council to undertake an exercise into the provision of new sports facilities in the inner-city St. Paul’s area. This was the first of many consultation-led projects leading to lottery applications run by Jonathan Platt. It culminated in the design and delivery of the Civic Trust Award winning St Paul’s Community Sports Centre, completed by Leadbitter Construction to much appreciation by the City Council in 2000.

  23. I enjoy each project as they come along – and can get very focused in the detail. But Hengrove Leisure park was an early favourtie, as well as work on the major parks in London for RBKC, particularly at Kensington Memorial Park, and then various community centre and old school site works. Always good to see the benefit for the client & users. Michael

  24. Our office refit. 2020 was been a challenging but exciting year at gcp. Lockdown forced us to temporarily vacate our office in Warmley and learn how to work from home. Rather than forgetting about the office we saw this as an opportunity to refurbish our working environment, not just to make it Covid safe, but also to make it a more pleasant place to work when we all returned.

  25. The Lemon Clock: A hysteric team bonding moment in an eerie escape room. Sarah

  26. We launched gcp Consulting in 2006 to offer energy consultancy services to our clients, which would support the success of their projects.

  27. The year we had football matches with other businesses for the gCup on the field at Londonderry – farm animals occasionally taking over the pitch inbetween matches! Michael

  28. My personal milestone I am proud of was completing my Msc at Cardiff University, and the support gcp gave me in my personal development objectives. Colin

  29. On an office trip, backstage at the Bristol Old Vic, I got to live out a personal dream of being on-stage when the Irons went up. A moment that still gives me goosebumps when I think about it Natalie

  30. In our old offices at Londonderry Farm, we used to have these HUGE Christmas trees. One year we set up a Scalextrics track around the tree and spent the afternoon racing and having festive drinks and nibbles.

  31. gcp become one of the first architectural practices in the South West to become ISO accredited in 1994. Quality Assurance is at the heart of project delivery and whilst our system is mature, we are always looking for ways to evolve working practices. In 2020, as a direct response to the pandemic, we began the process of becoming a paperless office.

  32. The gcp team introduced me to escape rooms and the one I’ll never forget is a particularly terrifying séance themed one just up the road in Kingswood. There was much screaming and lots of jumps and scares, including a spooky doll dropping from the ceiling onto a startled colleague. But the funniest thing was when we met up with the other group and they said they could hear us screaming through the walls in their Brunel-themed-escape-challenge! Natalie

  33. It was satisfying when our Henacre scheme started on site after four years! We started working on the project in January 2017 and it started on site around January 2021 Sarah

  34. gcp loves a challenge. One year, we split into teams to create a crazy golf course, with each team creating a hole in a set area. Special mention to the team that got the stairs!

  35. We are really proud of our ongoing commitments to Mental Health Week and Work Life Week, using these as points in the calendar to continue discussions and track progress. These focus weeks have resulted in a regular employee survey, private health insurance for all employees, a commitment to Thrive and much more.

Happy birthday gcp, we can’t wait to make more memories over the next years to come.