Easton Community Centre Review

During July, we undertook a small project for Eastside Community Trust, coordinating with Stacey Yelland, CEO, to create scaled floorplans of Easton Community Centre. The community centre currently has a hall, café, nursery and various offices, and these spaces provide a base for activities for everyone. These include book clubs, coffee mornings, Lego clubs, litter picking and more, which contribute to their passion for building healthy neighbourhoods.

Over a 20-year period gcp have provided periodic support to the management team at Easton Community Centre when reviewing facility improvement. This latest support has been provided as a social value contribution linked to gcp winning a contract from Bristol City Council for design work to energy retrofit high-rise flats in the city centre.

We spent a day in the community centre measuring the entire building, with a short break to sample the excellent food, and then drew the plans up in the weeks following. These plans will provide a basis for any future improvement works that the community centre wish to undertake.