
RIBA stall for solar powered wind turbines at Bristol Harbour Festival

RIBA stall for solar powered wind turbines at Bristol Harbour Festival

Did you get a chance to visit RIBA's fab stall at the Bristol Harbour Festival? gcp had a blast showing everyone how to make solar powered wind turbines. Check out the video on our twitter feed - can you guess how they work?

Special mention must go to Hobs and their world record setting colouring book - we even managed to find time between turbine-making to colour up some buildings in the old fashioned way !

Picture: Catherine Gandon, RIBA South West

Aztec West Fitout

gcp has been appointed to refurbish 155 Aztec West for occupation by industry leading consulting engineers.

The project is designed to provide a flexible modern working environment (15,500 sq ft / 1435 m2) representing best practice in office space refurbishment.  The building is expected to achieve BREEAM Very Good with an EPC rating of B.

Planning approval has been secured for a complete face lift including new glazing, extended reception lobby and boardroom over at first floor.

Occupation is expected in October 2016.

Bristol Water Head Office Now Complete

It was March 2012 when gcp was invited to prepare a feasibility for the refurbishment and extension of Bristol Water's HQ at Bedminster Down.  Bristol Water had decided to rationalise their building stock by disposing of their Bedminster Down Depot site and relocating approximately 150 network staff to head office. With staff in-situ, the iconic 1963 structure was initially over-clad and re-roofed before a two storey wing was added, supported on tapering columns over the rear car park.  This enabled a progressive decanting process so that the entire building could be re-serviced and re-furbished without recourse to temporary accommodation.
The new facility benefits from a new atrium café, a new computer suite and reception area as well as open plan office accommodation with a wide variety of workplace settings.  The construction works were carried out by Thomas Vale Construction (now part of Bouygues UK) completing the final phase in June 2015.
gcp were architect for Bristol Water through the design phases of the project, and architect for the contractor during construction.

"This has been a very complicated project from a logistical and technical design point of view and Bristol Water's technical team has worked closely with the project delivery team to deliver a fantastic building with the minimum of disruption" - Jeremy Pilling, Director of gcp Chartered Architects.

Image credit: Story Photography

gcp Bristol 2015 Update

Bristol's Big Green Week 2015

gcp are hosting a series of events at Trinity Arts Centre on Thursday 18th June. "PassivHaus Thursday" is free to attend and will include two talks, an exhibition and design surgeries.

To celebrate Bristol 2015 European Green Capital and Bristol BIG Green Week gcp Chartered Architects have teamed up with European partners from Austria and the UK to showcase the very latest thinking on PassivHaus, the world leading ultra-low energy design standard.

PassivHaus Thursday builds on a similar event gcp ran last year. All bookings can be made by going to gcp’s website.

Read more at the Passivhaus Trust.

Major Housing Success in North Bristol

Working with United Communities (housing association), in partnership with HAB, (Kevin McCloud's development company), gcp has been successful in winning the contract to redevelop the former Dunmail school site in Southmead.

This success builds on our strength in providing design services across the whole housing sector, from private developers to housing associations and brings together two of the region's market leading housing providers.

This scheme, in the year of Bristol 2015 (European Green Capital), will develop over 150 new homes to help tackle the housing crisis in this part of Bristol. The planning application is expected to be submitted in March 2016.

The scheme was announced to coincide with Bristol Mayor George Ferguson's State of the City address on November 10th 2015 in Great Hall, University of Bristol. The address included praise for Filwood Green Business Park, a scheme delivered by gcp with Midas Construction.

The Dunmail scheme will feature affordable homes built to the equivalent of Passivhaus energy efficiency standards and all homes will meet the old level four of the Code for Sustainable Homes.

gcp were the first architects in the West of England region to be qualified as certified PassivHaus Designer by the European PassivHaus Institute.


ISO 14001 at first time of asking

Working with BM Trada, gcp Chartered Architects have achieved ISO 14001 Environmental Accreditation at first time of asking. This reinforces gcp's strong environmental credentials that include PassivHaus design services and our commitment to using the best business management tools for the business.

gcp were also the first architects in the South West of England to gain accreditation to BS5750 (Quality Assurance standard), now ISO 9001 in 1994.

J3 wins RICS SW Regeneration Award

At gcp we are delighted to have been recognised by the RICS for our work at J3, particularly given the extremely high calibre field of entries this year.

"The RICS Awards, South West, showcase and celebrate the most inspirational buildings and structures in the region, not to mention the talent behind them that develop, regenerate and conserve the environment in which we live and work." Lynn Robinson, RICS Regional Director South & West. 

For more information click here.

Feasibility Study Funding Secured for PV Installation

Working with Southmead Development Trust gcp have helped secure feasibility study funding from the Urban Community Energy Fund administered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy in partnership with Pure Leadfrog. The study will investigate the technical constraints and the potential wider community benefits that could be derived from the installation of a large PV array (about 500m2) on the roof of their existing building.

If the study proves the project is viable with demonstrable community benefits then further capital funding could be available for the installation. 

Passivhaus Home Takes Shape

gcp's Oxfordshire Passivhaus project is progressing well as the insulated concrete formwork heads towards completion. This innovative construction method involves building a 'stay-in-place' two panel formwork out of expanded polystyrene (EPS). The panels are held together with a web system made of 100% recycled materials and formwork is stacked, reinforced with steel and then filled with concrete.
Benefits of this system for Passivhaus design include cold bridging elimination and an airtight structure, which enables the home to be ventilated more efficiently. For our client, their home will be highly energy efficient, draft proof, acoustically insulated, safe and secure, durable and low maintenance.

More Award Nominations for J3

J3 has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Royal Town Planning Institute Planning Excellence Awards for 2015 (national award). It has been shortlisted in the category of Excellence in Planning for Community and Well-Being. See RTPI website for more details.

See here details of our J3 submission and the competition we are up against.

The Awards Ceremony held on Monday 6 July 2015 at the prestigious Pullman London, St Pancras.

Funding secured for North Bristol Health Project Development

Working alongside Vivid Regeneration gcp have helped secure funding for the next stage of design development for a new Health and Wellbeing Centre in Lawrence Weston, Bristol. The funding from the Homes and Communities Agency HCA has facilitated the preparation of a detailed planning application. The planning application scheme will be the result of extensive stakeholder and community consultation.

Skyhigh views for new homes in South Bristol

Torpoint Road is a 71 home housing scheme for Knightstone Housing Association in South Bristol which gcp are helping Kier Living deliver. This aerial video commissioned by Kier Living shows off the complex, steeply sloping nature of the site in all its glory. The project is due to complete towards the end of 2015.

gcp are also delighted to have been selected for Knightstone Housing's Architects framework.

Revitalising a tired 1960's Office Block

Revitalising a tired 1960s office block

gcp has been working hard to bring Bristol Water's 1960s headquarters into the twenty-first century, creating a modern working environment fit for a major utility.
A year on from the energy saving over-cladding contract, the shell of a new build extension has just been completed and the final phase of work has now begun, which involves the internal Category A refurbishment and fit-out of the entire building.
Improving the airtightness of the aluminium windows has been the most noticeable improvement so far, but the improved thermal performance achieved by over-cladding and re-roofing is reaping benefits in reduced running costs.
Replacing mechanical systems during the final phase will lead to further economies, yet the proof of the pudding will be in the heat load reduction when energy monitoring is evaluated post completion.
The scheme targets BREEAM 'Very Good' and has been accepted as a pilot project under the BRE's new Non-Domestic Refurbishment standard. The ability to track energy usage at three stages of the build; pre refurbishment, post fabric enhancement and post refurbishment, should provide invaluable data.

Bristol to get a new 'green' business park by 2015

gcp are playing a key role in delivering the first major component of the Knowle West Regeneration Framework vision for South Bristol. The scheme is being built by Midas Construction with funding from Bristol City Council, Homes & Communities Agency and the European Union (ERDF). The scheme provides a new business park on the site of a former aircraft hangar with completion in early 2015.

Filwood 'Green' Business Park will be an incubation unit for start-up businesses. The scheme is designed to encourage a diverse mix of tenants to offer opportunity for the 'cross-fertilisation' of ideas and will comprises a number of workshops, offices and 'Work Hub' area (B1 uses), providing around 3700m² of net lettable employment space.
gcp will help deliver innovations including:

  • a project score of BREEAM 'Outstanding'
  • a 20% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions through renewables
  • bio-diverse green roofs
  • the promotion of the schemes green credentials through innovative use of sustainable façade materials
  • the protection and enhancement of the existing wetlands for use by building occupants and the community

In true collaborative style, the project requires design and construction team to use BIM Level 2, a government requirement for all publically funded projects from 2016.

Four new Passivhaus projects for gcp

Designing economical, low energy buildings is a specific area of our expertise. gcp director Colin Powell has been exploring the PassivHaus approach with many potenital clients as the best way for designing a building to have very small energy bills. Over the past year gcp have used PassivHaus to model benefits of low energy / low carbon buildings for a range of clients:

  1. Jephson Housing are using gcp to develop a scheme of 8 homes for elderly people as a show-case PassivHaus development in Swindon.
  2. Knightstone Housing Association engaged gcp's PassivHaus expertise to model carbon reduction and demonstrate the potential of PassivHaus to deliver low carbon homes that exceed Bristol City Council Planning Department's carbon reduction requirements without renewables, at their major development at Torpoint Road in South Bristol. gcp are now providing the detailed design for Kier Construction for the on site phase
  3. gcp are working with Halsall Construction to deliver a major PassivHaus development of 25 homes for Hastoe Housing Association in Somerset.
  4. gcp have gained planning permission for a 2000 sq ft private PassivHaus home in Oxfordshire (featured in the image above).

gcp Certified PassivHaus Designer Colin Powell says..

'As the benefits of PassivHaus become understood we think more clients will see this as the best way of creating high quality low energy and low carbon buildings - we are doing everything we can to ensure we are able to support clients and contractor partners with knowledge and practical advice.'

New Health and Wellbeing Centre for Lawrence Weston

gcp have collaborated with Vivid Regeneration  to prepare a high level business plan for Ambition Lawrence Weston

The plan proposes a new Health and Wellbeing Centre for Lawrence Weston, Bristol including a GP surgery, council contact point, small library, screening centre and other health services.
The Lawrence Weston Health and Wellbeing Centre is born out of dedicated grass routes work produced for the Lawrence Weston Community Plan by local people with support from the Big Local. The BIG Local is lottery funded initiative to support local people have an active voice in community planning.

Welcome new starters

Welcome new starters

 To coincide with new offices, we have three new team members:

Imogen Hunt joined us full time as Project Architect in July, bringing with her a wealth of experience in residential and retail/commercial development.

Trainee Architectural Technician James Pilling joined us in August with 6 years of construction site experience under his belt.

Our latest Project Architect and experienced BIM recruit Cerianne Thorneycroft joined us in September.