WFH Interview: Matt

As you know from previous posts, gcp continues to be fully operational and are here to assist you. In line with government guidelines we are working from home to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, our clients and the communities we serve.

Working from home is a new experience for many of us, here are Matt’s thoughts on this new situation.

What’s something challenging about working from home? I tend to get engrossed in work and with few distractions at home I often forget to get up and move about. My back is not happy with me.

What do you like about working from home? Being able to listen to music. I’ve quickly exhausted my vinyl collection so I have set up a collaborative Spotify playlist with some friends so we can listen to each others favourites.

What do you miss about being in the office? I definitely miss the atmosphere in the office and having people to chat to. Even just some background noise, it’s too quiet here (you can tell I don’t have kids!)

The view looks a bit different right now, here is Matt’s desk-at-home.

matts desk