Such a pleasure to see Clover Place looking so homely! There is still work to do in the garden but the interior spaces are looking great.
Our clients wanted a home for the future: a home which could easily adapt to changing mobility, and a home with low energy demand. gcp designed the house to Passivhaus principles and with an adaptable internal layout to suit future needs. The interior is beautifully bright and will have a fantastic outlook over the garden once the latter is complete.
Our favourite spot? The window seat in the dining area, definitely.
gcp supported the client with this special project from initial conception right through to completion. We provided visualisations throughout the design stage to ensure we were correctly capturing the client’s vision. Following the award of the building contract to social enterprise Toolshed, gcp acted as Contract Administrator, bringing the build to completion.
If you are looking to build a low-energy home, please get in touch with us to see how we can support you!